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Farm in Harrismith For Sale-00724

2,090,560 USD
Harrismith,Harrismith,Free State,South Africa
30 view
Land ID: 81385 Update time: 2021-01-12 20:48:50
Trading years: permanent Size: 1989ha
Transaction type: for sell

Words from Seller


  • Patio
  • Laundry
  • Has Storage
  • Pets Allowed
  • Fence
  • Access Gate
  • Scenic View
  • Kitchen
  • Fire Place
  • Pantry
  • Guest Toilet
  • Garden
  • Family TV Room



This 1989 ha mountain farm, situated on the Drakensburg escarpment in the North Eastern Free State, boasts breathtakingly beautiful scenery.

GRAZING – It is an exceptional and well balanced cattle farm providing gorges, marshes as well as plateau grazing with a high carrying capacity. There is an additional 55ha of arable lands suitable for the planting of winter grazing

WATER – Above average rainfall (750 – 1000mm) ensures that the farm provides strong natural water sources which consist of perennial streams and various dams which feed each paddock with drinking water. In addition, there are two boreholes – both equipped with windmills.

Infrastructure consists of a comfortable farmhouse, a newly built large and enclosed barn as well as cattle handling facilities. Fences and roads leading to all the paddocks are well maintained.

ELECTRICITY: The farm, electrically, is totally “off the grid” - supply to the farm is per large wind turbines, solar panels with sufficient batteries which increase accumulated capacity

There is only one resident employee on the farm. Because the farm has such incredibly beautiful views and scenery, there is the possibility of developing the farm into a tourist and hospitality attraction. An added bonus is that there are various access roads which lead to the farm. The closest town would be Harrismith.

VAT – VAT needs to be added to the advertised selling price


Bergplaas van 1989 HA groot te koop is gelee op die eskarp van die Drakensberge in die Noordoos -Vrystaat, met asemrowend natuurskoon. 

WEIDING - Dit is n uitstekende en goed gebalaseerde veeplaas met klowe, vleie en plato weidings met hoe drakrag. Daar is ook 55 HA lande vir aanplantings van winter weidings

WATER - Bo gemiddelde reenval ( 750-1000), dit gee volop natuurlike water wat bestaan uit standhoudende spruite en verskeie grond damme wat aan elke kamp vee suipings verskaf. 

- 2 Boorgate wat toegerus is met windpompe

INFRASTRUKTUUR- Bestaan uit n gerieflike woonhuis en n nuwe groot toegeboude stoor en veehanterings geriewe. Drade en toegangs paaie na al die kampe is goed onderhou

KRAG -voorsiening is totaal ( Off the Grid) wat bestaan uit n groot wind tirbine, sonpanele met voldoende batterye wat opgaar kapasiteit verhoog

Net een werker is woonagtig op die plaas. Die plaas se natuurskoon is asemrowend, die moontlikhede bestaan om dit in toerisme plaas te ontwikkel. Verskeie toegangs paaie bestaan na die plaas, naaste dorp is Harriamith.

BTW- Moet nog by die geadverteerde prys gevoeg word.


Land Parameter

Landform: unknown
Land shape:
Mechanized operation: support
Land flatness:flat
Drainage: no floods
Irrigation:fully satisfied
Topsoil texture:
Fertility: high
Thickness of effective soil:30-60㎝
Salinization: no
Acidity or alkalinity:
Organic matter:
Depth from barrier: 30-60㎝
Vegetation coverage:25%~50%
Depth to groundwater:
Climate type:
Sunshine duration h/Yr: 2200-3000
Annual average temperature: 20-30℃
Frost-free period/Days:200-250
Precipitation: 750-1500

Transportation & Other Facilities

Road conditions:cement road
Airport: >60mins
Railway: >60mins
High-speed railway: 30-60mins
Provincial/Interstate highway:30-60mins
National highway: 30-60mins
County road:<30mins
Township road: <30mins
Village road/Self-built road:<30mins
Buses: no
Water supply: pumping well
Heat supply: other ways
Energy:bottled gas
Communications: connected
TV system:connected
Internet system: disconnected
Sewage:direct discharge
Greening: class II
Education: to be improved
Medical treatment:to be improved
Sanitation: to be improved
Entertainment:basically complete
Food: basically complete
Surrounding water system:
Surrounding mountains:
Attractions within 5 km:
Nearby industrial clusters:
Comfort index:
Noise index:
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